Dear Readers,
Dear readers,
First, let me thank you for providing an audience (yourselves, for the less intelligent among you) for my “work.” For my first posting (the previous one has been deemed my zeroth posting, since it is stupid), I want to tell you a bit about me, so you can understand the origin of what I will write subsequently.
I was born in Bend, Oregon, which is a very nice place. I went to college (U of O, Eugene OR). I am going to more college (ASU-Tempe AZ). I ski. I like to cook. I like to golf. Golf does not like me. I write counterpoint. I play the piano. My ukulele playing also is pretty killer.
I must interject at this point and apologize for this apparent display of egotism. I have no inferiority complex. The reason why I emphasize that my ukulele playing is “pretty killer” is that most people think it is an instrument that cannot, or should not, be taken seriously. Well how many of you can play the following virtuosic musical excerpt on your guitar?

I think I’ve made my point.
I believe that cement is often poured in the wrong place. Especially in parking lots and near intersections.
I like good coffee.
I also happen to be a student of theoretical physical chemistry. This is where I get money (and what I’m studying at ASU), but I won’t be writing much about this, since most of you probably wouldn’t understand it. For example, how many of you understand the following complex scientific picture, which was drawn by a genuine scientist?
The overwhelming complexity that goes into a drawing like this is difficult to put into words that the ordinary person may understand. And the problem is that we use ideas like the one illustrated above to craft even more complex ideas.
After studying many complicated theories, I can write sentences like:
* Space and time form a continuum called the space-time continuum.
* Abraham’s near sacrifice of his son may be an example of a teleological suspension of the ethical.
* The Born-Oppenheimer approximation works pretty well.
* Beings which in the Darwinian sense may be regarded as advanced primates are behooved, when their places of residence portray fragility, as in the case of structures of disordered quasi-equilibrated pseudo-solids (or very highly viscous liquid-like materials undergoing self-diffusion on time-scales of at least hundreds, if not billions of years), not to hurl sturdy, dense primitive weapons in the direction(s) of their enemy(ies).
* Come’ si chiama?
* Bordeaux is good with beef.
* Students of the second Viennese school are sometimes prone to employ hexachordal inversional combinatoriality.
* The ergodic approximation also works pretty well sometimes.
I also like studying theology, and I plan to post many things relating to this, in the future.
I’m interested in a lot of things, and I look forward to talking about all of them.
-Allan Friesen
First, let me thank you for providing an audience (yourselves, for the less intelligent among you) for my “work.” For my first posting (the previous one has been deemed my zeroth posting, since it is stupid), I want to tell you a bit about me, so you can understand the origin of what I will write subsequently.
I was born in Bend, Oregon, which is a very nice place. I went to college (U of O, Eugene OR). I am going to more college (ASU-Tempe AZ). I ski. I like to cook. I like to golf. Golf does not like me. I write counterpoint. I play the piano. My ukulele playing also is pretty killer.
I must interject at this point and apologize for this apparent display of egotism. I have no inferiority complex. The reason why I emphasize that my ukulele playing is “pretty killer” is that most people think it is an instrument that cannot, or should not, be taken seriously. Well how many of you can play the following virtuosic musical excerpt on your guitar?

I think I’ve made my point.
I believe that cement is often poured in the wrong place. Especially in parking lots and near intersections.
I like good coffee.
I also happen to be a student of theoretical physical chemistry. This is where I get money (and what I’m studying at ASU), but I won’t be writing much about this, since most of you probably wouldn’t understand it. For example, how many of you understand the following complex scientific picture, which was drawn by a genuine scientist?

The overwhelming complexity that goes into a drawing like this is difficult to put into words that the ordinary person may understand. And the problem is that we use ideas like the one illustrated above to craft even more complex ideas.
After studying many complicated theories, I can write sentences like:
* Space and time form a continuum called the space-time continuum.
* Abraham’s near sacrifice of his son may be an example of a teleological suspension of the ethical.
* The Born-Oppenheimer approximation works pretty well.
* Beings which in the Darwinian sense may be regarded as advanced primates are behooved, when their places of residence portray fragility, as in the case of structures of disordered quasi-equilibrated pseudo-solids (or very highly viscous liquid-like materials undergoing self-diffusion on time-scales of at least hundreds, if not billions of years), not to hurl sturdy, dense primitive weapons in the direction(s) of their enemy(ies).
* Come’ si chiama?
* Bordeaux is good with beef.
* Students of the second Viennese school are sometimes prone to employ hexachordal inversional combinatoriality.
* The ergodic approximation also works pretty well sometimes.
I also like studying theology, and I plan to post many things relating to this, in the future.
I’m interested in a lot of things, and I look forward to talking about all of them.

-Allan Friesen
Bordeaux is indeed good with beef. and chocolate. :o) hiya allan! I dont know if you remember me or not but I was jennifer smith's roommate in the EBC apartments and we were in fact neighbors. Just dropping by to say hi and I think your blog is humorous and a good read.
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