A good development

In my life, there has been a good development. Everyone has figured out that I like wine. This means that whenever Christmas or my birthday rolls around, I get wine and wine-related gifts. For my birthday this year, I received a gift certificate for some wine, a bottle of a nice pinot noir, and a very nice book loaded with information about wine. Thank you givers of these gifts; you know who you are.
Once I get the bottles from the gift certificate, I'll have enough white wine to survive the Phoenix summer. I also now have a couple of lighter reds (pinot noir), for those days when I still realize it's way to hot for cab or zin, but I just don't want white wine. My brother's recent alertness and generousity also helped me to acquire a couple of very nice whites, at prices boardering on burglary.
Yes, I will have some relief on those days when it is 115 outside and I can't leave town.
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