Thursday, May 25, 2006


OK everybody. To be fair, I do have to tell you the one good thing about starbucks. The people who do marketing for the company are very good at what they do. They really bring in the customers. So if you want to be a brainless lemming and victim of mass marketing; if you want to pay twice the appropriate cost for a coffee drink with no coffee in it; or if it pleases you to have some financial preditors behind big desks trick you into defining your social status and mental state in terms of a low-quality pretentious overpriced drink; then by all means, support Starbucks!

I did overhear one conversation that I really enjoyed about coffee and Starbucks.

I was sitting in Gold Bar working and a bunch of Catholic High School students came in. One student ordered a nice strong coffee drink, then the other one said something really profound: "I'm not a coffee person. I'm a Starbucks person." That comment pretty muched summed up the difference between Starbucks and a real coffee shop for me. I must also say that the guy who says this is the only person I've ever met who has the right to go to Starbucks unashamed, because he actually realizes what he's doing. He is not being tricked by Starbucks. He just likes it, and that's fine.


Blogger Alyssa said...

Starbucks has coffee that isn't wonderful if you ask me, but they do provide a nice atmosphere to drink it in... gotta give em' credit for that.

May 25, 2006  
Blogger Allan Friesen said...

Maybe. They have small round tables, which I hate (it's a personal thing). And the music gets annoying after a while if you're trying to work (it's hard to ignore Bob Marley). But you're right, if you're there to have fun with friends or something it's great. I spend a lot of time in coffee shops working, since I can pretty much work anywhere if I have my laptop.

May 26, 2006  
Blogger Kevin Lewis said...

Allan, I stumbled upon this blog via your bro in Pasadena. I am not a Starbucks coffee fan, but I do like their business practices. However, I wonder if coffee as we know it would be as popular or as stable for the small shop on the corner if Starbucks was not around. On a lighter note, I do enjoy a good Sumatra roast in the morning.

June 13, 2006  
Blogger Allan Friesen said...

Hmmm...Starbucks as a necessary evil...I'll have to think about that.

They are largely responsible for the popularity of "gourmet" coffee, no doubt. The thing is that the guy who owns them now (for only a few years now) let them slip from their former standards...really, they used to be a lot better. I think it was the good ol' days of Starbucks that we should be thankful for. But now that they've "forsaken their first love," I have a difficult time supporting them anymore.

June 13, 2006  
Blogger Kevin Lewis said...

Oh, no doubt. The coffee at Starbucks is pretty wretched. Every now and then I give it a shot to see if it has changed at all, but I am always disappointed. I hate watching them pull a horrible shot of espresso and then place it in a latte with milk that has been reheated three or four times already. Yikes

June 15, 2006  

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