Saturday, May 19, 2007

poor idiots

I've just been informed that this link is broken. What used to be there was a bunch of people who were going crazy because they couldn't remember where the line, "Wait for it...wait for it" came from. Of course the line is old and shows up all over the place. But there were people watching the entire Matrix and Star Wars trilogies, trying to find the line. I feel sorry for them.


Blogger ATF said...

A little FYI...Now you can feel sorry for me.

The first documented use of the phrase was in an old music hall play called In Red Peppers, written in 1935 and published in 1936.

Noel Coward offers direction to his actors immediately after 'Refrain 1' in the first dialog:

GEORGE: I saw a very strange thing the other day.
LILY: What was it?
GEORGE: Twelve men standing under one umbrella and they didn't get wet.
LILY: How's that?
GEORGE: It wasn't raining. (Wait for it -- wait for it.)

From _A Dictionary of Catch Phrases, Second Edition (1985) by Eric Partridge & Paul Beale

August 01, 2007  

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