Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm postmodern!!!

My brother found this quiz online where you can find out how to classify your theological worldview. According to the results, I am roughly equal parts postmodern, neo-orthodox and Weslyan:

Emergent/Postmodern 75%
Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan 71%
Neo orthodox 71%
Classical Liberal 46%
Roman Catholic 39%
Reformed Evangelical 32%
Modern Liberal 25%
Charismatic/Pentecostal 25%
Fundamentalist 11%

Strangely, I came out second-lowest on Pentecostal, even though that's the sort of church I'm supposed to be from. Maybe I'm going through some kind of rebelious stage...Nope. That's not it.

It seems like postmodern should be the opposite of orthodox (you can check out my brother's related comment at

Anyway, I thought this was fun. You can take the quiz if you want. Since I'm an idiot, I don't know how to link the address to the word 'quiz', so just hit the link below okay? And enjoy it! Or if I'm such an idiot that it doesn't even show up as a link at all, you can just copy the address into your address bar. Work with me here.


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